Saturday 27 June 2009


I have just been of to Holy Island for a weeks holiday camping.
I think I learnt a number of useful life lessons.
Mainly if you want people to leave the house at 9am be prepared to drag them kicking and screaming otherwise they won't leave for another 5 hours (ish).

The amount of faffing was quite extreme, and I think if I did it all again, I would literally just drag people.
but hey we enjoyed it.

It has helped put many things into context, not least why on earth do I have such a small car and so much stuff - but also more spiritual things.
I'm looking forward to the end of this job, although what next is still a mystery to me

Saturday 13 June 2009

My plans for blogging

I saw this .. and had to post it.
cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

election madness

Parties in the streets...
crowds cheering as the results are read out..
these are just some of the things that don't happen at a british election.

I remember however the fuss that was caused when Obama was being elected. Don't get me wrong, I do think that was important, but why don't we care about our own elections?
Even x-factor gets more votes....

Perhaps the most annoying thing to me, is that it doesn't make sense...
When you have a general election, or a council election, or a european election - we seem to produce vastly different results.
Do some people think "I don't trust them with governing my country, but I'll let them try to organise the buses"..
or "I'll let them mess up Europe but not westminster"

I know it looks like a massive swing to conservatives, but if anyone really believes at the next general election lib-dem will be second with labour coming up in third place, they are sadly mistaken.

So yeah I think my main gripes with the british public are
a- why do vote so differently at different elections?
b- why do so many of you not vote?

I heard one friend say he 'spoils' his ballot paper, as a protest against the system. I wonder if anyone who doesn't vote actually believes that will change something?


When we have our next general election, I'm sure that it will produce a little bit more excitement than the european election, but still not as many votes as x-factor - because ofcourse in a recession it's much more important to make sure a hopeless singer gets another try rather than to make sure a good government is elected to oversea the economy. [/sarcasm]

ok rant over