Sunday, 10 May 2009

a first post

well I'm sure many people agonise over the first post...
not me, as I don't expect anyone will read it - as I shall now post about 3 pre-prepared posts on top.
and it will then not be for a while longer that anyone starts to read...

however just incase someone does read this:
I have decided to blog various musings of my life-
I am a Christian who is trying to live a priestly life but without the trappings of being a vicar: both in the sense of the royal priesthood of all believers, and in the sense of a call to be a Christian leader building and nurturing Christian communities (whilst also trying to re-energise those who where brought up in the church but have not found a way to let christian life affect their normal lives).

Yes saying I have a call like that is reasonably arrogant, sorry but that is what I feel God is very clearly saying to me. For a long time I felt this would be primarily in the shape of being an ordained vicar in the CofE, however it now seems that I should try to begin living out this call in the non-church world of work first.

oh and finally - the title
very catholic - because unlike most evangelicals I meet, I actualy take an interest in church history pre the reformation, and moreover think we can learn much from our catholic brothers and sisters today.
Also I think some of my theology has been shaped by great catholic thinkers (such as Thomas Aquinas and Justin Martyr).

Evangelical - because I am...
I don't consider the bible to be the incarnate Word of God (that's Jesus)- instead I think of it as a sign towards the Word. 
I take its teaching very seriously, though I admit some would call me conservative evangelical on certain issues, and others would call me liberal on others.

anyway enough of this post...
time for lunch.

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